Word Exhortation Outreach is a platform for sharing God's word for the benefit of mankind. Word Exhortation Outreach focuses on individuals' spiritual nourishment and blessing through the word. Through the teachings of Word Exhortation Outreach, visitors to the websites will have great understandings of the holy scriptures


Word Exhortation Outreach is a sermon and bible teaching platform founded by Eromosele Ikiakhele in order to reach out to people sharing God's word. The main aim of establishing this platform is to bring to people the undiluted word of God as stated in the Holy scriptures, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished into all good works". 2 Timothy 2:16-17.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016


For us to look up to Jesus, one will have to take the following steps;
A)     Lay aside every weight: It means to remove all the heavy loads off the heart or mind, mass, heap and weight. It also means to eliminate arrogance or conceit off the mind. We should put away every weight that hinders Christian progress. Such weight could include;
1.       The weight of forgiveness
2.       The weight of fear
3.       The weight of anger
4.       The weight of depression (bitterness)
B)      Laying aside every sin which doth so easily beset us. The sin that doth so easily beset someone is the one which he or she has been addicted to (weakness).
C)      Running with patience, the race set before us; It means to fight; (1Timothy 6:12; 2Timothy 4:7), to strive; (Philippians 1:30), to contend: (1Thessalonian 2:2).
D)     Looking Unto Jesus; Jesus is the head of all long train of faith heroes; He is the author and the finisher of our faith. “I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth”. Psalm 121:1-2. (Psalm 3:4). The Hill is the dwelling place of the almighty; Psalm 68: 15-16; Psalm 24:4; 15:1; 43:3 Psalm 99:9.Help is receiving several helps from God including the help of the Holy Ghost; John 14:16-17; Rom 8:26. It could be help in times of trouble; Psalm 46:1; Hebrews 4:16. God is our refuge and strength, our very present help in times of need.

A)     Recognition of a meeting Place with God; (the throne of grace; Heb 4:16)
B)      Consciousness that this meeting place is made possible through the atoning blood of Jesus; Hebrew 12:19-20.
C)      Obedience in coming to this throne; Hebrew 4:16; Hebrew 10:22-23
D)     Calling upon God for mercy and grace to help in time of need; Hebrew 4:16
E)      Boldness in approach
F)      Fervency and earnestness in presenting needs; James 5:16; Luke 11:5-13; Matthew 17:20; 21:22; Mark 11:22-24.
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Brokenness is God’s method of dealing with our self-reliance, rigidity and anything or desire within us that makes us to act independently from Him.
Brokenness is when God deals with our attitude for the purpose of conforming us to His will and making us effective minister to others; Ephesians 2:8-10.

Brokenness comes in because of the hindrances posed to our Christian living by the activities of our outward man. 
So, brokenness is allowing the inward man to take control of the outward man; Romans 7:22; Ephesians 3:16; 2Corinthians 4:16. God comes into the inward man by His Spirit, Life and Power at salvation. The inward man is the spirit of man where God dwells and mingles with our spirit. Outside the inward man, is the soul (outer man) where-in function our thought, will and emotions. The outermost man is the physical (body). Men, even believers are generally more conscious of the outer and outermost man, abandoning the spirit. The inner man (spirit) must be allowed to break through the outward man in order to be relevant in the kingdom. Because of this, brokenness is highly essential.

1.       Pride; Proverbs 13:10 (contending the spirit)
2.       Ignorance; Ephesians 4:18
3.       Fear; 1John 4:18; Luke 21:26; 2Corinthians 7:5
4.       Worldly entanglements; Titus 2:12; Romans 12:2
5.       Ungodly relationships; 2Samuel 11:1-18
6.       Rebelliousness
7.       Stronghold of Satan.

a.       We hinder our relationship with God.
b.      We delay the fulfillment of God’s will in our lives
c.       We limit what the Lord can do through our gifts and talents.
d.      We are put on the shelf, unused by God and prevented from experiencing the blessing and future rewards.
Brokenness is likened to breaking a shell. “Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone; but if it dies, it bringeth forth much fruit”. John 12:24.
Except the shell is broken (dies) the seed inside can never sprout and grow up. Death is the cracking open of the shell. It is not that there is no life in the shell; the life in the shell can never be revealed except it is cracked open. When it is cracked open, the seed reveals itself by showing forth its life. 

The shell is the soulish life (thoughts, will and emotion). The life within the shell is the life which God has given and the inside of the shell is the spirit of man. Except the outward man be broken, the inward man can never manifest, but remains confined, shut up and imprisoned within the soul.
Brokenness is also likened to breaking the alabaster box: The alabaster box denotes the outward man. 
The pure spikenard in the alabaster box denotes spirituality and this pure spikenard can only flow out when the alabaster box is broken. But the alabaster box is expensive and so much treasured by men compared to its content. In the same way, many treasure the outward man more than the inward man. Many have more value for their social and academic status, relationships, material possessions, emotions, feelings and physical beauty. The fragrance of the spikenard is more important compared to the so called expensive alabaster box and so as the spirit of a man which carries the life of a man. 

No matter how beautiful or highly placed one may be, we must give room for brokenness in order to be relevant in the kingdom.
“He that believeth on me as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water”. John 7:38. It takes brokenness for living water to flow out of the life of a believer.

1.       Death to the sin and the affairs of this world; Romans 8:4-8.
2.       Open heartedness and humility in the place of prayer.
3.       Open and correctible to God’s word; Hebrews 4:12-13; Romans 7:22.
4.       Sacrificial service in the house of God; Romans 1:9;7:6; Ps 51:17.
5.       Being a worshipper worshipping God in spirit and in truth; John 4:23-24.
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Wednesday, 24 August 2016

On: JANUARY 6TH, 2016

“But God who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)”.
Ephesians 2:4-5.

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees; hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin, and neglecting the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone”.
Matthew 23:23.

“But go and learn what this means; I desire mercy and not sacrifice: For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance”.
Matthew 9:13.

Mercy is compassionate or kindly forbearance shown towards an offender, an enemy or other persons in one’s power.
Mercy is kindness or goodwill towards the miserable and afflicted, joined with a desire to relieve them. Grace is goodwill, loving-kindness or favour which bestows upon someone what he/she does not deserve.
God’s mercy towards man came as a result of His grace.
There is serious challenge in the society when it comes to the celebration of mercy because a lot of persons have not approached God’s throne of grace to obtain mercy and therefore, cannot show mercy since they have not accepted the love of God.

FIRST DIMENSION OF MERCY- Receiving God’s mercy (Hebrews 4:14-16)
God has given us the privilege of coming before His throne of grace to receive mercy and access the power of His grace in our lives.
“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace for help in time of need”.
 Hebrews 4:16.
We are called before the throne of grace, not before the throne of law. Mount Sinai was the throne of law and God use to descend on it and Israel could not draw near because of the bounds that were set about the mount. If a beast touched the mount, it was stoned or thrust through with a dart.
To the throne of law, we do not come now. For through Jesus the case is changed. To a conscience purged by the precious blood of Jesus, there is no anger upon the divine throne.
When I come before the throne of grace, the faults of my prayer will be overlooked. Our tired words, our gasping and stammering are overlooked at the throne of grace.

When we come before the throne of grace, there is hope for our lame, limping supplications. Our condescending king does not maintain a stately etiquette in his court like that which has been observed by princes among men, where a little mistake or a flaw could secure the petitioner being dismissed with disgrace.
Let all men come before the throne of grace because salvation is available.
Let sinners and the destitute come. No matter how their lives may have been, the blood of Jesus is able to make them clean. It is available for all.

What Mercy Does For Man
1.       Mercy justifies us to live. Romans 5:8-9:- Every believer has been justified to live through the sacrifice of Jesus. Rom 5:18-19; Col 1:19-22. Jesus took the judgment that was due us so that we could all be free from any judgment of condemnation or shame. We must embrace the sacrifice of Christ to experience the power of His mercy in our lives. Jesus doesn’t come to judge us but he comes to make a once for all judgment on the things that separates us from the love of God.
2.       God’s mercy gives us forgiveness of sin and debt. Matthew 18:21-35 :- There is no way we could have paid the debt we have accumulated in life through our actions. At one time or the other, we have made decisions that negatively affected our lives and that of others. We have caused hurts and damages through our actions. God is still merciful to all of us, so let us come to Him.
3.       Mercy eradicates the legal hold of demonic power over someone’s life. Mark 5:1-20; Col 2:14-15 Demonic holds come into someone’s life when he/she tries to obtain what God could have supplied, through ungodly and illegitimate means.
4.       God’s mercy heals the sick; Psalm 6:2. “Be merciful to me Lord, for I am faint, O Lord, heal me, for my bones are in agony”. (Psalm 6:2); Matthew 9:27-30; 15:22-28.

 SECOND DIMENSION OF MERCY- Showing and rendering mercy.
“Therefore, be merciful just as your Father also is merciful”.
Luke 6:36
Mercy is an eye for distress, a heart of compassion or pity and an effort to help in spite of enmity.
A saved person or a believer ought to be naturally forgiving because it’s part of him/her since he/she has been forgiven. A saved person is merciful because Jesus has shown him mercy. Matthew 5:7; Luke 6:36.
We are in a world where mercy towards one another is a difficult task even to the point of creeping into the body of Christ (the church).
We are caught up in the mechanics of religious activities with no eye to see distress, no heart to respond with compassion, and no effort to bring the relief of the gospel.
We act as if it was laws, traditions and rules that saved man rather God’s mercy.
We have turned our relationship with God into a religion of rules and laws.
Mercy is better than sacrifice Matthew 9:13.
Mercy is compassion for the lost and needy. Matthew 18:11; Ezekiel 34:16; Galatians 6:2; 1Peter 3:8.
Forgiveness is a type of mercy: Ephesians 4:31-32; Zechariah 7:9; Romans 12:17; 2Cor 2:7; Matthew 18:26-27.

Mercy comes from a heart that has first felt its spiritual bankruptcy and has come to grief over sin.
Mercy grows out like fruit in a broken heart and a meek spirit and a soul that hungers and thirsts for God to be merciful.
Mercy comes from mercy, Jesus is the source and door of mercy. Matthew 27:50-53.
Our mercy to reach out to one another comes from God’s mercy to us.
The key to becoming a merciful person is to become a broken person.

Ø  Mercy sees distress.
Ø  Mercy responds internally with a heart of compassion or pity towards a person in distress.
Ø  It responds externally with a practical effort to relieve the distress.

Ø  Mercy is shown even when the person in distress is by religion and race an enemy.
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YOU NEED KNOWLEDGE: One of the most needed things among the body of Christ today is revelation knowledge of the word of God.
First of all, we must understand that the human is a spirit which has a soul and lives in a body. The spirit is the one that was transformed at salvation 2 Cor5:17. The soul is undergoing constant change as one grows in the Lord why the body is saved at resurrection. This regenerated spirit is continuously renewed in knowledge end this in turns illuminates the mind which is in the soulish in knowledge Col3:10, Rom12:2 .The knowledge profits the mind [the soulish realm] and body when it is released by the spirit of man and this happens through meditation. The revelation knowledge is spirit and life. It goes down to the spirit and acts from there through meditation. Josh1:8-9; Jn6:63; Heb4:12
Our spirit is complete in Christ Jesus Col2:10 and our minds are actually the battle ground.
The spirit is the driving force, but the soul as the last say because of its free will. The mind comes in contact with all forms of knowledge. A believer will have to be careful about what goes into the mind through the five senses.Phil4:8; Rom12:12; 2Cor4:16; Eph4:23; 1Pet1:13; 2Cor10:4; Phil4:6-7;Col3:16;Col3:2;Phil2:5;1Cor2:16;Phil1:6;Eph4:20-24.        
To renew the mind means to replace fallible worldly knowledge with the infallible knowledge of God’s truth. This is mainly done by studying the bible. But believers have often neglected the study of the word.Hosea4:6; Jer2:13.  Therefore, all believers must go back to the fountain of living water.2Tim3:16, Josh1:8.             

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is receiving the Holy Spirit in its full measure. Jn3:16; there 7 measure of the Spirit.

1. The mosaic portion Num11:16-17
2. Mosaic portion divided among 71 Num11:25-26
3. Elijah’s portion 2king2:9
4. The double portion 2kg2:9-13
5. The measure on john the Baptist Luke1:13-15
6. The earnest of the spirit Jn1:12; Rom8:14-18; Gal4:6
7.  The full measure. Jn3:34.

The spirit without measure is the promise of the father Matt3:11; Mk1:8; lk3:16; Jn1:33; Act1:5-8; Act11:16; it can only occur after salvation. Jn7:38-39.
The experience of God’s power at the baptism of the holy ghost.Lk3:21-22.The baptism of Jesus.
Act2:1-4; Act4:31; Act10:44-46; Act19:1-6; Act8:18.                                                                                           


The Holy Spirit helps our weakness Rom8:26
He empowers us to witness Act 1:8-9; 4:31         
The Holy Spirit teaches us john4:26; Rom8:14; 1Cor2:6-14; Rom10:14-16.                         
The Holy Spirit reveals the purpose of Jesus to us.2Tim3:16-17  
He gives you rest, brings excellence, leads and guides. He inspires us to worship and strengthens the inner man.

The Anointing:
The Holy Spirit comes with an unusual anointing when He comes upon a believer for the first time and continue to refresh that believer by a continuous release of this anointing from within. It is by this anointing we have the ability to live our daily Christian lives and partake in kingdom service.” How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him”; Acts 10:38.
“But my horn shall thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn; I shall be anointed with fresh oil”. Ps92:10
The three key words here are horn, anoint and oil.

Horn represents power, authority, leadership, strength and capacity.

Anoint means to smear something or someone with oil. It is an act of consecration. The anointing is the presence of the Holy Spirit being smeared upon someone. The anointing is the overflowing life of Jesus which imparts supernatural strength enabling an individual to perform a special task or function in an office he is being called and appointed to. In ancient times, God would anoint an individual to function effectively in a particular office. Such offices of anointing include; (a) the kingly anointing; 1Sam16:12-13; 2Sam2:4; 5:2; 1Pt2:9. (b) The prophetic anointing; 2Sam28:2. (c) The priestly anointing; 2Sam24:25; 1Pt2:9. They are called the three fold anointing; combined only in David and Jesus.
By virtue of our redemption and baptism in Christ Jesus, we are made to step into the kingly, prophetic and priestly anointing in Christ Jesus and execute the offices here on earth; 1Pt2:9; Gal2:20; Rev1:5-6; 5:10; 20:6.

Oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. This is because of its composition and characteristics as stated and recommended by God in the bible. “Moreover, the Lord spake to Moses, saying; Take thou unto thee principal spices, of pure MYRRH five hundred shekels, and of sweet CINNAMON half so much, even two hundred and fifty shekels, and of sweet CALAMUS two hundred and fifty shekels, and of CASSIA five hundred shekels, after the shekels of the sanctuary, and of OIL OLIVE an hin. And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil”. Ex30:22-25. The components here include; Myrrh, Cinnamon, Calamus (Cane), Cassia and Olive Oil.
 The anointing of the Holy Ghost is a special favour from God showered on believers to manifest His glory here on earth.

Myrrh is a yellow liquid substance used for spice or ointment. The best of it flows without the act of man. It brings about purification and preservation. It’s just like fire in performance. …”He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire”. Matt3:11. Fire is for purification and preservation, it purges; 2Tim2:21; The Holy Spirit helps us as we go through the purification.

Cinnamon is a type of oil gotten from the bark of cinnamon tree. It’s very tasty and has a pleasant aroma. Cinnamon speaks of obedience (sweetness); Lev26:31; 1Sam15:32.

Calamus (Cane) is a sweet cane plant of about 10feets high grown in Asia in marshy places. When it is crushed and broken, it exudes a sweet fragrance. The more it os broken, the more fragrance it exudes. Calamus speaks of brokenness. Brokenness triggers a great release of the anointing; Is66:2. The sweet smelling fragrance of the spikenard in the alabaster box was only released at brokenness. Calamus normally stands erect (pride and ego). We must let go of ego and pride to experience the anointing; 1Cor4:7-13.

Cassia is the back of a tree grown in Arabia used as medicine. Cassia is derived from the Hebrew word-quadad which means to bend, bow or stoop. Cassia speaks of humility and submission. Against such is arrogance, contention, boasting, haughtiness, witchcraft, control, manipulation, domination, rebellion and stubbornness. All these are enemies of the anointing.

Olive Oil is gotten from olive tree and it takes a long time to mature. It ripens slowly. It means that growing in the anointing takes process. The olives are placed between grooved stone wheels and pressed under weight to release the oil. This speaks of trials, process, pressure, probation and blending; Mk4:1-2.

Generating Fire for Service:
“Who maketh His angels spirits; His ministers a flaming fire.” Ps104:4.
God’s ministers being a flame of fire means that they are to be full of zeal and the anointing of the Holy Ghost that nothing can stand before them. Gospel ministers are to have absolute authority and power over all the works of the devil; 1Cor4:20; 12:4-8 and represent God among men. Fire also means the kind of zeal Jesus talked about. That is, the zeal of the father eating him up. Jn2:17. Fire is generated by the word and prayer; Jer20:7-9; Acts4:31. Believers must take over all the territories infested by the presence of the devil and become firebrand ministers of God; Judges15:4-5.

GROWING UP: Once an individual accepts Christ as his Lord and Saviour, he should be determined to please God in all things. So, before one can begin to grow, he/she must first of all have the attitude that says; I want to grow as a Christian in order to be pleasing to God, in other words, wanting to do God’s will in all things.

Areas to grow in:
[a] Growing in grace 1Peter3: [b]. Knowledge Rom10:17; 2Tim2:15
[c]faith 2Thess1:3; 2Cor10:16. [d]. unto perfection Matt5:48; Eph3:21-22; Matt5:16

How to grow:
[a] Forget about worldliness Rom12:1-2. 
[b] Spoken words 1Pt2:1
[c]desire the word 1Pt2:2; 2Tim3:16-17. 
[d] Knowing God more 1Cor2:2; Heb5:13-14; Eph4:15-16
[e] Prayer life Matt6:9-13; Rom8:15-16; Jude20.  
[g] Share your faith/witnessing Mk16:15

Love is the foundation of sound character; 1cor 13. The characters of saints include;
Patience, keeping the commandments, keeping the faith of Jesus Christ; Rev14:12, bearing spiritual fruits; Gal5:16-23, keeping the unity of the body of Christ; 1Cor12:13-19; 1:10-17, absolute trust in God; Ps37:40, consecration to do good; Ps37:3, constant delight in God; Ps37:4, Keeping life committed to God; Ps37:5, Absolute dependence on God; Ps37:7;9;39, freedom from anger and wrath; Ps37:8, meekness and humility; Ps37:11, abundance of peace; Ps37:11, mercy, compassion and benevolence; Ps37:21;26, freedom from discouragement in adversity; Ps37:24, true to God’s word; Ps37:31;34, Propagating truth among men; Ps37:30, living perfect and upright; Ps37:37. Character is built by feeding and living on God’s word; Ps119:9; 11; 33-36; 104-105.

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PARTAKERS OF DIVINE NATURE: Partakers of divine nature simply means; since we now carry Jesus inside of us, we have become just as he is. We are gods; Ps 82:6; kingdom carriers. We have been engrafted into the life of the risen and ascended Lord; 

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that called us to glory and virtue; whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises; that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust” (2Pt 1:3-4). 

We are now sitting with him in heavenly places; Eph 2:6; 1:20-23; 1:6; 2:12; 1:3; Gal 2:20; 4:5-7; Rom 8:1; 5:1; Col 1:22-23;  2:9; 1Jn 3:2; Rom 8:14-17; John 1:12.
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SATAN HAS NO POWER OVER BELIEVERS; HE IS NO MORE THEIR MASTER: When you accepted Jesus as the Lord of your life, you were delivered from the power of darkness; Col1:13 and you have been given authority in Christ Jesus; Mat28:18-19. 

We are no longer slaves to sin, but we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; Rom6:14; 6:17-18; 2Cor2:21; 1Cor15:45; Mk16:15-18; Eph4:27; 2:6; 1:22-23; 1Cor15:57; 1Jn4:4; Rom8:2; Gal5:1; 4:7-8.
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EVERY CURSE IS LIFTED: Jesus carried our curse on the cross so that we would enjoy the blessing of God. It is called the divine exchange. The evil that was due to us was placed upon Him, so that the good due to Him would come upon us. This means that we have been set free from every curse and receive the blessing of God; Jn3:14-15; Num21:6.

At the cross, all our sins were laid upon Christ and therefore divine judgment fell upon Him. There was no way to transfer sin without also transferring its penalty. Both sin and its penalty were transferred to the Lord Jesus. On the cross, Christ was making propitiation and propitiation is solely Godwards. It was a question of meeting the claims of God’s holiness.

It was a matter of satisfying the demands of His justice. Not only was Christ’s blood shed for us, but it was also shed for God. He gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God; Eph5:2.

The death of Christ on the cross was a death of curse. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us; for it is written, curse is everyone that hongs on a tree; Gal3:13. The curse is alienation from God. It is exile from the presence and glory of Christ; Lev16:27; 13:46; Heb13:12; Gal3:10-16; 2:21; 5:11; 4:3-31; Rom10:4-5; Rom7:1-6; Gal2:19-21; Rom8:2-14.
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YOU ARE A NEW CREATION: When you made Jesus the Lord of your life, something happened to you. You were created in Christ Jesus. You were given an inheritance. Now, you are in Christ Jesus, you are born of God. A change has taken place; 2Cor5:17. The old man which is the un-regenerated spirit man was replaced by a new man, created in Christ Jesus. 

Old things passed away and all things became new. This affects your thinking, your belief, your action and speech; Eph2:13; 1:10; Rom6:3-4; 3:22; 2:29; Col2:11-12; Gal6:15. Being in Christ means that you are saved because you have confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and have believed in your heart that God raised Him from the dead; rom10:9. Being in Christ means you are healed and delivered; Col1:13; 21-23; Lk4:18; Gal2:20: 6:15; 1Pt3:18-22.
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Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Now that you are born again



The primary reason why God created man is for the purpose of experiencing a fellowship with Him which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God. Ephesians 3:9.
This fellowship is God’s hidden purpose of man’s creation right from eternity which is to dispense Himself into man. This fellowship was hid in God throughout the ages, but now, the new covenant believers are able to experience it as we are being enlightened.
This same fellowship had been in existence within the Godhead (Trinity); God the father, Son and the Holy Spirit. It was this fellowship within the Godhead that gave birth to the divine idea of creating man. And man was to; 

(1) Carry or Contain God. 
(2) Be filled with God’s presence. 
(3) Express God, and 
(4) Exercise God’s dominion on the earth.

God had only shown a man a glimpse of this fellowship by coming to Adam in the cool of the day. But Satan saw it and went mad and decided to cause the fall of man. Now that Jesus has redeemed us from our fallen state, this dominion as fellowship is now being restored upon the church, the body of Christ. All the multifarious wisdom of God is now seen in and through the church.
When Adam fell, the whole human race was damaged by sin and had no hope in this world. We were alienated from God in every way. The whole creation was in a condition of ruin and under Satan’s usurpation. The following happened when man fell;

1) Man was created sinless, but capable of sin or transgression of the law Gen2:16-17; 1Jn3:4.
2) Man was tempted by Satan through the serpent. Gen2:1-8; 2Cor11:1-3.
3) Eve was deceived to commit sin, Gen3:6; 1Tim2:14.
4) Sin came through a denial of divine will and the elevation of the will of man over the will of God; Gen 2:16-17.
5) Sin came through unbelief of God’s word; Gen2:16-17; 3:4-6.
6) Sin came through rebellion against God’s word; Gen2:16-17; 3:1-8.

Effects of the fall; Man became
1) Separated from God; Is59:2
2) Depraved in nature; Eph2:1-3
3) Ignorant and blind; Eph4:18
4) Evil in conscience; Heb 10:22
5) Corrupt and deceitful in heart; Jer17:9; Mk7:19-21
6) Obstinate and rebellious; Acts7:51; Rom8:7; Isa28:14
7) Evil in thoughts; Gen6:5
8) Lustful and ungodly; Jn8:44; Rom7:5-23; 1Cor6:9; Gal5:19
9) Dominated by Satan; Jn8:34,44; Eph2:2; 1Jn3:8
10) Servants of sin; Jn8:34; Rom1:18-32; 6:16-23
11) Dead in sin; Eph2:1-9
12) Doomed to eternal hell without God or hope; Eph2:12; Rom6:23; Ps6:17; Matt25:46: Rev14:9-11
13) Short of God’s glory; Rom3:23
14) Subject to suffering and death; Gen3:17-19; Rom6:21-23
15) Cursed of God to hard labour; Gen3:11-24
16) Mortal, imperfect and weak; Job4:17-21; Ps39:4-5; 103:14-15; Matt6:27; Gal6:3
17) Universally sinful; Rom3:9-23
18) Sinners by birth and practices; Rom5:12-21; Eph2:1-3; Ps51:5
19) Children of the devil; Jn8:44; 1Jn3:8-10; 5:17; Matt13:38
20) Subject to sickness, disease, pain and all present evils of the earth; Ex15:26; Dt28:15-68; Rev21:3-7

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